iUltimateLP / NXGallery

🎮 A Nintendo Switch Homebrew Application to transfer your screenshots to your phone or PC in no-time 📱⚡
MIT License
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Stops updating gallery after launching in airplane mode #16

Open Sipsbury opened 2 years ago

Sipsbury commented 2 years ago

Initially happened with pokemon SwSh with y-comm using local network and launching hbmenu in applet mode. Can be reproduced with enabling airplane mode. Gives address, doesn't load. System 13.1.0, Atmosphere 1.2.5, hbmenu 3.5.0

iUltimateLP commented 2 years ago

Hey! When in airplane mode, the switch has a disabled network interface, so you can't connect to it if it's not present in any network. The IP would only work on the same device, but not from the outside. I'm planning to implement a screen to notify the user about the missing WiFi connection. Let me know if I'm misunderstanding this problem.

Sipsbury commented 2 years ago

After connecting to wifi it doesn't show any new screenshots, regardless if it was taken with internet connection or without, only those that were taken before using app with airplane mode on

upd. Included screenshots, v1 v2

iUltimateLP commented 2 years ago

Just to be sure to get a repro, you've: 1) Enabled Airplane mode 2) Made some screenshots in a game 3) Disabled Airplane mode 4) Opened NXGallery 5) Screenshots that were taken in step 2 are not visible?

Once I can reproduce this, I'll be happy to fix it as it sounds pretty weird!

Also check whether they might be at the bottom of the list in NXGallery, maybe it's a sorting thing.

Sipsbury commented 2 years ago

Pretty much, except I launched NXGallery while still being in Airplane mode, and not only the screenshots taken in step 2, new screenshots taken after that also do not show up

iUltimateLP commented 2 years ago

Hm, I couldn't replicate it. I tried it in different orders, no luck.

I launched NXGallery while still being in Airplane mode

Since you can't open NXGallery simultaneously next to any other app, I'm not quite understanding what you mean. Did you enable the airplane mode via the quick settings menu (when holding home button instead of the big settings menu)? New screenshots taken WHILE NXGallery is open will indeed not show, as it's only caching screenshots when starting the app.

To be honest, I don't think this is related to the missing internet connection. How do you start NXGallery, through applet mode or through a title?

Sipsbury commented 2 years ago

I tried both applet and title, no luck. I will maybe update the firmware and see if that helps.

Upd. Updated to 13.2, still nothing. But I noticed that numbers of screenshots and videos does update.