iVis-at-Bilkent / newt

A web application to visualize and edit pathway models
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
52 stars 27 forks source link

Implementation of PD map to AF map conversion feature #682

Closed acanalpay closed 2 years ago

acanalpay commented 2 years ago

During GSoC'21, I modified the Newt Editor as described below: Two buttons were added in the edit section of the menu and the right-click menu. In the app-menu.js, code creates a string file from the visible map and sends it to the pd2af-webservice. pd2af-webservice prepares the format and sends it to the conversion server. After the conversion server's response, pd2af-webservice returns the appropriate response. Then in app-menu.js, the file is opened from the URL on the new Newt tab.