iVis-at-Bilkent / syblars

SyBLaRS: Systems Biology Layout & Rendering Service
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Demo improvements #1

Closed ugurdogrusoz closed 2 years ago

ugurdogrusoz commented 2 years ago

Layout options:

Image options:


hasanbalci commented 2 years ago

@ugurdogrusoz I updated deployment.

For 1, I can see difference when edge length and node spacing are changed especially on graphml sample. You can recheck it.

For 2, I don't see empty image but a small one in the middle, which is normal with given options. I think, we can expect users to use close values to default padding.

For 11, I added a "transparent" option for background color. I updated related part in README, as well.

For 12, user now cannot enter negative value for width and height from user interface. I also add a check for those options. If width and height values are less than or equal to zero, we set those values to default ones.

For 13, maybe we can add a small button near the Image Settings title to set image options to default values. Because each separate layout option has its own default button.

For 21, currently the library I used for UI doesn't allow a text near the loading icon (there is an issue about this in their repo), but I will try to find a workaround.

ugurdogrusoz commented 2 years ago

13 let's do it like that; maybe with this icon with a tooltip "Reset defaults", right justified in the same row as "Image Settings".

21 don't spend much time on this, no big deal

hasanbalci commented 2 years ago

13 is done.

hasanbalci commented 2 years ago

I used same style for JSON/Image download icons and "Reset to default" icon. Now when we hover on them, background color changes. I also changed "About" color to orange. I think we can skip 21.