iZakirSheikh / Audiofy

▶ Simple and lightweight, yet polished and powerful Android Audio/Video player based on ExoPlayer, Media3 and Jetpack Compose
Apache License 2.0
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Two albums with the same name #73

Open sercell opened 1 month ago

sercell commented 1 month ago

Hi. If two albums have the same name, even by two different artists, Audiofy lists only one album, with all the tracks of the two artists inside! Now, i'm not an experienced coder, but i could see that the function: suspend fun ContentResolver.getAlbum(-----) gets the list of the audios of an album by the album name. Why not by id? Thx

iZakirSheikh commented 1 month ago

Thanks for letting us know about the issue! We'll investigate it thoroughly and aim to include a fix in the next update.

Edit: Immediately after replying a thought passed my mind🤔 and I am thinking about it from that moment. Android uses MediaMetaDataRetriver internally to build Media store. The ids are nothing but numbers generated while storing data in db(primary keys). I think (maybe I am wrong) if 2 albums have same name they will be listed under same I'd in media store unless Android devs some rigorous approach like comparing different features of albums.