iafan / goplayspace

Advanced Go Playground frontend written in Go, with syntax highlighting, turtle graphics mode, and more
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Add support for "Go Mono" font in the editor #8

Open bhinners opened 7 years ago

bhinners commented 7 years ago

I love the features of the Go playspace. Nice work! Shouldn't it default to the Go fonts, though:


iafan commented 7 years ago

I know about Go fonts, and tried using them, but apart from nice nostalgic feel, I find them much less legible than default system monospace fonts and Fira Code font. The status of this font is unclear: Go Playground doesn't use it (so people won't expect this font to be a default on Go Play Space), golang.org and godoc.org don't use it, the exp/shiny library this font was built for seems to be stalled.

Is anyone using it at all? Are these anyhow adopted by Go community?

bhinners commented 7 years ago

Personally I like the Go fonts and use them myself, but you raise a good question. I don't know how well they're gaining traction either.

iafan commented 7 years ago

You can play around with the server locally with changing just one line of code to have "Go Mono" instead of "Fira Code".

I'll be happy to add the support for it if there's a broader demand.

bbrks commented 7 years ago

I've adopted Go Mono in my IDE and terminal. It is a great font for readability/legibility after you get past the initial hurdle of using serifed fonts. It's just unfamiliar compared to any other offering for coding fonts IMO.

iafan commented 7 years ago

Do you use it on a retina display by any chance? I've found that it doesn't look as clean on a non-retina display (strokes seem to have uneven width).

bbrks commented 7 years ago

Actually I do, and that's a very good question that I'd not considered... I have non-retina monitors hooked up, but very rarely use them for development purposes.

therealplato commented 6 years ago

I've been happy with inconsolata in my terminal for many years and don't actively seek to improve it. Maybe I'm missing out! A font selection would be a nice way to try new ones without committing for all terminal work.

FWIW I find goplayspace's default font much more readable than playground's, my browser on playground indicates font-family: Menlo,monospace