Summary text to include new components introduced in v2 as well as mentioning that this is v2
Below summary paragraph add "The v1 version of IAI MovieBot has been presented as a demonstration paper at CIKM'20 [PDF], while the v2 version is to appear at WSDM'24 [PDF]." with links to PDFs on arXiv
Add "Components" section including the overview figure from paper (keep the color-coding of the new components) and an itemized list of the main components on the figure; for each component we should link the appropriate page within the documentation (issues to be created for those that don't exist) and also list the specific models, where applicable
Add screenshot from newest version and add links to web demo (separate issues may be created for these)
Versions section with link to latest v1 release, should anyone need that
Rename the Publication section to Citation and "For the most recent version of IAI MovieBot, please cite" and WSDM'24 paper. "For the v1 version of IAI MovieBot, please cite" and CIKM'20 demo paper.
Update the README with the following: