iaincollins / structured-data-testing-tool

A library and command line tool to help inspect and test for Structured Data.
ISC License
63 stars 14 forks source link

Project Status #36

Open thejimbirch opened 2 years ago

thejimbirch commented 2 years ago

Hi Iain!

Very cool-looking tool. I have the CLI running locally, and the social media checks work great. I am having a bit of trouble getting the Schemas working, but that is probably me.

My question is what is the status of this project moving forward? It looks like there hasn't been any contribution in about a year. I ask because what a year it has been! And completely understand the nature of open source... I'm considering adding it to my team's CI process.

Thanks for your time and this great tool!


iaincollins commented 2 years ago

Hi Jim! Good question.

I still use it but am aware there are some shortcomings (e.g. lacking support for more complex data structures, which are captured in issues / skipped tests) as well as things I'd like to add (e.g. more schemas, additional html/js/css markup checks, social markup checks, AMP checks, etc).

I have no immediate plans to update it but I've been considering revisiting it recently.

Happy to take feature requests or issue reports!

Helpful and intersting to learn how folks are using things! :-)

thejimbirch commented 2 years ago

Hi Iain!

Thanks for the update. I am really liking the meta tags checks. I haven't had much time to dig into setting up the schemas, but look forward to it.

I am working to get the checks into our CircleCI orb. For automated testing, we build multidev environments on Pull Request using Pantheon or Tugboat.qa. We can then run tests like Lighthouse, Pa11y, Backstop, then it posts back to the PR as comments.

I'll comment back when I get it published.

thejimbirch commented 1 year ago


I just wanted to follow up. As stated above, we were able to run the SDTT inside a CircleCi orb, and test on multidev environments that are created on each pull request.

You can see more here.


Thanks again for such a unique and great tool!