iainurquhart / Nolan

Kinda like inception, but for Matrix.
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PHP errors thrown when single apostrophe entered into any Nolan field #5

Open andyhoman opened 11 years ago

andyhoman commented 11 years ago

Hey Iain, I've run a heap of testing and can confirm that if you enter any single quote / apostrophe into a Nolan field it will throw the following PHP error:


Can reproduce error every time. Everything works as expected until the apostrophe is entered. Double quotes and other punctuation seem to be okay.

Running a clean install using EE 2.5.5, Matrix 2.5.3 & latest Nolan. No other addons are installed.

jghlt commented 11 years ago

experiencing the same issue, did you find a work-around?

jghlt commented 11 years ago

line 95 ft.nolan.php reads

$data = unserialize( html_entity_decode($data, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));

... but ENT_COMPAT does not process single quotes, changing to ENT_QUOTES has fixed this for me... so far at least

JamesMcFall commented 11 years ago

I've ran into the same issue, but am too pressed for time to investigate properly right now. For now Yo-james' fix appears to be working perfectly. Thanks for the tip.