iam4x / pokemongo-webspoof

👾 Play Pokémon Go from your Mac
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Accelerometer/Speed Data spoofing request #382

Open LTLNEMO opened 8 years ago

LTLNEMO commented 8 years ago

Since we know Sensor data is now being tracked and used to flag accounts or issue bans, can you implement accelerometer and speed sensor data into the app using this https://github.com/ColinEberhardt/SimulatorEnhancements

ehad16 commented 8 years ago

accelerometer is functioning, speed and altitude are the dead giveaways, wish I could code or understood how to implement it.

LTLNEMO commented 8 years ago

when I run pokemon-webspoof then open up an accelerometer app on my iDevice it still shows nothing. so i don't think it manipulates accelerometer data.

if this did give speed and altitude/elevation it would be almost fullproof

Takage commented 8 years ago


bateller commented 8 years ago

See #354