iamacup / react-native-markdown-display

React Native 100% compatible CommonMark renderer
MIT License
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Could you make it work with react 17.0? #159

Closed baochungit closed 11 months ago

baochungit commented 2 years ago

I'm using react native with react version 17.0.1 and it seems not working well together. Could you spend a little time to make it work? Thanks a lot!

andreasciamanna commented 2 years ago

I second this request.


SergeWilfried commented 2 years ago

Hi, me too. Thanks

Pedro-Goncal commented 2 years ago

Yes please and thank you

nicobermudez commented 2 years ago


SDuBey001 commented 2 years ago

is this abandoned? If so we'll need to find a new solution. We require minimum React 17 and this is tossing errors because it is looking for 16.2!

subhranshudas commented 2 years ago

I have an EXPO created app with below -

  "name": "mobile",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "main": "node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "expo start",
    "android": "expo start --android",
    "ios": "expo start --ios",
    "web": "expo start --web",
    "eject": "expo eject"
  "dependencies": {
    "expo": "~45.0.0",
    "expo-status-bar": "~1.3.0",
    "punycode": "^2.1.1",
    "react": "17.0.2",
    "react-dom": "17.0.2",
    "react-native": "0.68.2",
    "react-native-markdown-display": "^7.0.0-alpha.2",
    "react-native-web": "0.17.7"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@babel/core": "^7.12.9"
  "private": true

which seems to be working with "react": "17.0.2",

Which scenarios are you guys getting errors?

Palhanor commented 2 years ago

I was also facing some problems with the project reacted using Expo and React Native 17.0.2.

But then, @subhranshudas shared his package.json configuration, and i`ve noticed that the error my Expo was showing to me said something like "punycode could not be found within the project".

So I connected the dots and then I just installed the punycode, and just like that, out of the blue, the React Native Markdown Display worked in the project.

So right now I believe that somehow the punycode package is not getting installed as a dependency of this library, and thats probably one of the reasons of the current problem.

nourspace commented 1 year ago

For those wondering how to get this to work with Expo in 2023 using this working fork https://github.com/flowchase/react-native-markdown-display.

npm install git+https://github.com/flowchase/react-native-markdown-display
expo install punycode

You have to use this for importing Markdown

import Markdown from '@flowchase/react-native-markdown-display'