Add a method for solving a set of instances with the current model and with standalone heuristics (the Oracle):
[x] Define a method for calculating the Oracle, given a set of heuristic IDs
[x] Add a flag that provides information about whether an Oracle has been already calculated for the HH
[ ] If no Oracle exists, calculate one with all available heuristics. If one exists, use it
[x] Return: the matrix with makespans for HH, Hs, Oracle, for each instance (rows); a vector with total makespans for HH, Hs, Oracle; a vector with the win ratio of HH, Hs, Oracle; a vector with win+tie ratio for HH, Hs, Oracle
The getOracle method returns a struct with per instance solution, as well as mean solution (across instances) and the win/tie/lose ratios for the HH (vs. the Oracle)
Add a method for solving a set of instances with the current model and with standalone heuristics (the Oracle):