iamcco / coc-spell-checker

A basic spell checker that works well with camelCase code for (Neo)vim
MIT License
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Change latex languageId in the default settings #25

Open nvblanco opened 3 years ago

nvblanco commented 3 years ago

In vim/nvim, the FileType value for Latex is "tex" instead of "latex".


nielsdekoeijer commented 3 years ago


This broke the importing of latex cspell dictionary for me.

FinleyGe commented 3 years ago

I fixed this up in my PC. You can find your coc extensions in

cd  ~/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-spell-checker
vim package.json

press / to find(in normal mode) input 'latex' press 'a' to switch into insert mode, and you can change the latex to tex. remember input :wq to save this file.

restart your .tex and the cSpell can run.

BTW, cSpell is a good extension but the update is tooooooooooo slow.

iamcco commented 2 years ago

cSpell.enabledLanguageIds is an options, you can change in coc-settings.json