Closed YosufE closed 5 years ago
The screenshot is signature help not hover document.
Plug 'Shougo/neco-vim'
Plug 'neoclide/coc-neco'
if you want to use hover document, modify your s:show_documentation
function to use lsp.
Can you please elaborate what you mean with modyfying the function? What is the right way to make use of vimlsp hover? I tried the following:
function! s:CocShowDocumentation()
call CocAction('doHover')
It does not work.
output for the hover request:
[Trace - 6:22:16 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/hover - (3)'.
Params: {
"textDocument": {
"uri": "file:///home/flex/.config/vim/vimrc"
"position": {
"line": 18,
"character": 3
[Trace - 6:22:16 PM] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (3)' in 2ms.
Result: {
"contents": {
"kind": "markdown",
"value": "```help\n{feature} argument is a feature name like \"nvim-0.2.1\" or\n\"win32\", see below. See also |exists()|.\n\nVim's compile-time feature-names (prefixed with \"+\") are not\nrecognized because Nvim is always compiled with all possible\nfeatures. |feature-compile| \n\nFeature names can be:\n1. Nvim version. For example the \"nvim-0.2.1\" feature means\n that Nvim is version 0.2.1 or later: >\n :if has(\"nvim-0.2.1\")\n\n< 2. Runtime condition or other pseudo-feature. For example the\n \"win32\" feature checks if the current system is Windows: >\n :if has(\"win32\")\n< *feature-list*\n List of supported pseudo-feature names:\n acl |ACL| support\n bsd BSD system (not macOS, use \"mac\" for that).\n iconv Can use |iconv()| for conversion.\n +shellslash Can use backslashes in filenames (Windows)\n clipboard |clipboard| provider is available.\n mac MacOS system.\n nvim This is Nvim.\n python2 Legacy Vim |python2| interface. |has-python|\n python3 Legacy Vim |python3| interface. |has-python|\n pythonx Legacy Vim |python_x| interface. |has-pythonx|\n ttyin input is a terminal (tty)\n ttyout output is a terminal (tty)\n unix Unix system.\n *vim_starting* True during |startup|. \n win32 Windows system (32 or 64 bit).\n win64 Windows system (64 bit).\n wsl WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) system\n\n *has-patch*\n3. Vim patch. For example the \"patch123\" feature means that\n Vim patch 123 at the current |v:version| was included: >\n :if v:version > 602 || v:version == 602 && has(\"patch148\")\n\n< 4. Vim version. For example the \"patch-7.4.237\" feature means\n that Nvim is Vim-compatible to version 7.4.237 or later. >\n :if has(\"patch-7.4.237\")\n\n```"
So there is a response, but it seems to be a bug with the hover display. Or if it's not a bug, what is configured wrong? Hovers of other langauge servers work for me.
Make sure your neovim or vim support floating windows.
My neovim supports floating windows. I never said floating windows are an issue. This issue is only about onHover
with coc-vimlsp
I tried to disable floating windows with "coc.preferences.hoverTarget": "echo"
. Same result, nothing happens only with vimlsp
Is my ShowDocumentation
function right? Can you compare it with the configuration used to make the screenshots?
Edit: The issue occurs only with the latest coc version (release). I downgraded to coc v0.0.78
and it works. Should I rather create an issue there?
I see, it send the hover document request and receive response but the document window do not show. seems coc.nvim have change something.
I have create a new issue, and will update info there.
Thank you for checking on this issue. Really like to use coc-vimlsp, all other features work great.
Edit: wow, already fixed? Thanks, did not expect that!
I am having Troubles with the hover informations. Followed installation instructions, but it still doesnt want to work like in this screenshot: What am i doing wrong? Here are my files minimal init.vim: ` call plug#begin()
" Autocomplete Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'} Plug 'Shougo/neco-vim' Plug 'neoclide/coc-neco'
call plug#end()
" coc Settings and Plugins let g:coc_global_extensions=[ 'coc-snippets', 'coc-ultisnips', 'coc-neosnippet', 'coc-python', 'coc-json', 'coc-tsserver', 'coc-vimtex', 'coc-html', 'coc-phpls', 'coc-solargraph', 'coc-rls', 'coc-r-lsp', 'coc-git', 'coc-fsharp', 'coc-angular', 'coc-vimlsp', 'coc-omnisharp' ]
set completeopt=noinsert,noselect,menuone
" Show signature help while editing autocmd CursorHoldI * silent! call CocAction('showSignatureHelp')
" Highlight symbol under cursor on CursorHold autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight')
function! s:show_documentation() if &filetype == 'vim' execute 'h '.expand('')
call CocAction('doHover')
augroup mygroup autocmd! " Setup formatexpr specified filetype(s). autocmd FileType typescript,json setl formatexpr=CocAction('formatSelected') " Update signature help on jump placeholder autocmd User CocJumpPlaceholder call CocActionAsync('showSignatureHelp') augroup end
let g:markdown_fenced_languages = [ \ 'vim', \ 'help' ]
" usefor trigger completion
inoremap coc#refresh()
" Navigate through completion with Tab / Shift-Tab inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\"
inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\"
" Complete snippet with Enter inoremap pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm() :
" Remap for rename current word nmaprn (coc-rename)
" Remap keys for gotos nmap gd (coc-definition)
nmap gy (coc-type-definition)
nmap gi (coc-implementation)
nmap gr (coc-references)
" Use K for show documentation in preview window nnoremap T :call show_documentation()
minimal coc-settings.json:
` { "languageserver": { "digestif": { "command": "digestif", "filetypes": ["tex", "plaintex", "context"] } },
} `
sorry for the bad formatting i dont know why its like that