iamcco / markdown-preview.nvim

markdown preview plugin for (neo)vim
MIT License
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Installation instruction for `lazy` package manager #608

Closed aap01 closed 11 months ago

Rocco-Gossmann commented 1 year ago

You may also need to add ft = {"markdown"}. Else Lazy.nvim may not load the plugin, when opening a Markdown file. (At least on NvChad)

{ "iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim",
    build = function() vim.fn["mkdp#util#install"]() end,
aap01 commented 1 year ago

Actually, I tested the config in Lunarvim and it works fine there. I can test the config with ft parameter in Lunarvim's lazy plugin manager. And, if it works, I will update the MR.