iamcco / markdown-preview.nvim

markdown preview plugin for (neo)vim
MIT License
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[Feature request] Macos 分屏打开新浏览器窗口 #78

Open fishioon opened 5 years ago

fishioon commented 5 years ago

终端全屏模式下运行 neovim,使用MarkdownPreview在当前屏幕下分屏打开浏览器窗口

iamcco commented 5 years ago


nasen23 commented 5 years ago

@fishioon 用窗口管理工具吧 https://github.com/koekeishiya/yabai ,感觉这个插件应该不好做分屏。 然后这么设置。

function! g:Open_firefox_in_new_window(url)
    silent exe 'silent !open -na "Firefox" --args --new-window ' . a:url

let g:mkdp_browserfunc='g:Open_firefox_in_new_window'
ming2k commented 4 years ago

@fishioon 用窗口管理工具吧 https://github.com/koekeishiya/yabai ,感觉这个插件应该不好做分屏。 然后这么设置。

function! g:Open_firefox_in_new_window(url)
    silent exe 'silent !open -na "Firefox" --args --new-window ' . a:url

let g:mkdp_browserfunc='g:Open_firefox_in_new_window'


forest0 commented 4 years ago


下边是一个iTerm2 + Chrome的demo,只是窗口铺满桌面了,不是全屏

-- a debug helper function
on print(msg)
    display notification msg with title "AppleScript Message"
end print

-- get the size of the whole window
on get_window_size()
    -- I assume that iTerm2 is in fullscreen **with top menubar on**
    tell application "iTerm2"
        set ret to the bounds of the front window
        return { item 3 of ret, item 4 of ret }
    end tell
end get_window_size

-- place app window to pos
-- pos is a list {x, y, x+w, y+h}
on place_app(app_name, pos)
    tell application app_name
        set the bounds of the first window to pos
        activate -- grab focus
    end tell
end place_app

on open_chrome(target_url, pos)
    tell application "Google Chrome"
        tell (make new window)
            set URL of active tab to target_url
            set bounds to pos
        end tell
    end tell
end open_chrome

on main()
    set window_size to get_window_size()
    set window_width to item 1 of window_size
    set window_height to item 2 of window_size

    open_chrome("http://xxx:xxx/page/1", ¬
        {window_width / 2, 0, window_width, window_height})

    place_app("iTerm2", {0, 0, window_width / 2, window_height})
end main

Boltzmachine commented 4 years ago


KFCxMcDonalds commented 9 months ago



  1. 写一个applescript,随便存到哪个位置,内容如下:
    set Height to 1120 -- 这个地方改为你屏幕的高度
    set Width to 1792 -- 改为屏幕的宽度
    set bar to 24 -- 苹果顶部导航栏的高度
    set halfHeight to Height / 2
    set halfWidth to Width / 2

-- 检查应用是否在全屏状态 tell application "iTerm" to set screenSize to bounds of front window set rightX to item 3 of screenSize if rightX is equal to Width then -- 关闭iTerm的全屏状态 tell application "System Events" tell process "iTerm2" click (first menu item whose name is "Toggle Full Screen") of menu "View" of menu bar 1 end tell end tell delay(0.5) end if -- 打开Chrome并放置在右侧 tell application "Google Chrome" -- 也可以是"firefox"等等浏览器 make new window -- 创建新窗口来打开preview set the bounds of the first window to {halfWidth, bar, Width, Height} end tell -- 调整iTerm大小并放置到左侧 tell application "iTerm" activate set the bounds of the first window to {0, bar, halfWidth, Height} delay(0.5) end tell

2. 在快捷键配置文件,我的是在:~/.config/nvim/lua/config/keymaps.lua
local keymap = vim.keymap -- lazyvim的快捷键设置对象
local mode_n = {"n"} -- normal模式
-- 我的快捷键是<leader>mp,按自己需求改一下
keymap.set(mode_n, "<leader>mp", ":silent !osascript your/absolute/path/to/applescript.applescript<cr>:MarkdownPreview<cr>", { desc = "markdown preview", remap = true, silent = true})
-- 注意path一定要是绝对地址,因为运行这段代码的md文件位置是不定的,所以相对地址会找不到文件
-- 其他两个命令把上面:MarkdownPreview分别改称:MarkdownPreviewStop和:MarkdownPreviewToggle就可以了



iTerm是不是全屏状态都可以用,自动调整大小到一半 iShot_2024-01-04_16 05 31