iamchrismiller / grunt-casper

Run CasperJS Scripts/Functional Tests
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No log output #8

Closed wyne closed 11 years ago

wyne commented 11 years ago

I can't get any log output unless a test throws an error. I'm trying to get output of tests that are passing and any other test.info() calls. Here's the options I'm using:

      options: {
        test: true,
        direct: true,
        'log-level': 'info',
        'fail-fast': false
iamchrismiller commented 11 years ago


I think I understand your problem, you are logging info statements and aren't seeing them in stdout

After looking at the docs, it seems as if you need to flag it with verbose : true in order to see the logging. Let me know if that works.


Now, there are two things to distinguish: log storage and log display; by default CasperJS won’t print the logs to the standard output. In order to do so, you must enable the verbose Casper option:

wyne commented 11 years ago

Correct, that's the problem I'm experiencing.

I'm actually already using verbose: true in my casper setup. The strange thing is that if I keep everything the same and just use grunt-casperjs instead of this one, all the log messages are output.

Thanks for the reply. I'll keep investigating.

iamchrismiller commented 11 years ago

I am starting to look into it. How are you defining your tests to run with grunt-casper? Could you provide a sample test file?

I'll be in #grunt-casper IRC, if you want to step through it.

wyne commented 11 years ago


module.exports = function(grunt) {
    'pkg': grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
    casper: {
      options: {
        test: true,
        direct: true,
        'log-level': 'info',
        'fail-fast': false
      mytask: {
        src: ['tests/website/basic-tests.js']


  // Default use from command line
  grunt.registerTask('default', ['casper']);

  grunt.registerTask('mytask', ['casper:mytask']);


// Patching phantomjs' require()
var require = patchRequire(require);

// Casper config
var casper = require('casper').create({
  clientScripts: [
  pageSettings: {
    loadImages: false,
    loadPlugins: false
  verbose: true

// Initialize test
casper.test.begin('Website loads', 1, function suite(test) {
  casper.start('http://localhost').then(function() {

    // ...

    test.pass("This worked");

  }).then(function() {


  }).then(function() {



$ grunt website
Running "casper:mytask" (casper) task

Done, without errors.

Expected to see [info] output as well the "This worked" test pass.

iamchrismiller commented 11 years ago

Try This: logLevel : 'info' in the create options hash

var casper = require('casper').create({ clientScripts: [ 'includes/jquery.js', 'includes/underscore.js' ], pageSettings: { loadImages: false, loadPlugins: false }, verbose: true, logLevel : 'info' });

I will look into making it work on a global level defined in the Gruntfile

wyne commented 11 years ago

Sorry, I tried that earlier and that didn't work either.

iamchrismiller commented 11 years ago

Are you using the casper dev branch? 1.1.0-DEV?

iamchrismiller commented 11 years ago

After looking into the task, I realized i am logging to grunts verbose output. Adding a verbose flag when running grunt will work or you can pull master (v0.1.3) and I replaced the grunt.verbose.write() -> grunt.log.write(). For caught errors it naturally would grunt.log the error. All casper output is now printed to the console.

wyne commented 11 years ago

Awesome! That fixed it. Thanks!

Will this be available in npm?

iamchrismiller commented 11 years ago

No Problem,

I just published the new version on NPM.