iamcrowd / crowd-app

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Serialization of Individuals #9

Open giuliano-marinelli opened 2 years ago

giuliano-marinelli commented 2 years ago

We need to define a serialization format for the individuals that must be drawed on crowd.

For example, with this OWL individual:

<owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="http://crowd.fi.uncoma.edu.ar#Gonzalo">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://crowd.fi.uncoma.edu.ar#persona"/>

Can be generated tripletes like this:

  ["http://crowd.fi.uncoma.edu.ar#Gonzalo", "rdf:type", "http://crowd.fi.uncoma.edu.ar#persona"],
  ["http://crowd.fi.uncoma.edu.ar#Gonzalo", "crowd:nombre", "Gonzalo"],
  ["http://crowd.fi.uncoma.edu.ar#Gonzalo", "crowd:edad", 30]

With ERVT we need this data to be cuadripletes for allow the use of timestamps:

  ["http://crowd.fi.uncoma.edu.ar#Gonzalo", "rdf:type", "http://crowd.fi.uncoma.edu.ar#persona", 1],
  ["http://crowd.fi.uncoma.edu.ar#Gonzalo", "crowd:nombre", "Gonzalo", 1],
  ["http://crowd.fi.uncoma.edu.ar#Gonzalo", "crowd:edad", 30, 1],
  ["http://crowd.fi.uncoma.edu.ar#Gonzalo", "crowd:edad", 31, 2]

Also, we need to define if the cuadripletes have single timestamps or ranges.

Comment any idea bellow