iamdanfox / gpxsplitter

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Does not work #11

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

Stuck by the "click above" screen. Clicking does not have any effect.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Tried with this file:


ghost commented 4 years ago

Any ideas what to use to split files exported from movescount? I paused only a few mins after sitting in a car and I want to remove that part and split up the file into two exercises. I might write my own tool, since I cannot find anything we could use online, only desktop apps. As far as I understand it is only XML parsing, splitting and exporting which can be done even in the browser with a web worker, so I could host it even from github pages. I wonder why nobody else wrote it before. Probably because it is a boring project.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I ended up editing the GPX file with notepad++ and removed the trackpoints I don't need. I got the elapsed time range I want to remove from the movescount stats of the exercise. I just added it to the starting time and I checked the speed for different waypoints. I think it was in meter/second, it was around 3 for my running and 12 for the car. I removed the laps extension from the end of the GPX file too. I splitted it into 2 files. It can be done with a good text editor and with minimal XML knowledge. You don't need any GPX specific tool for it, it is pretty much human readable what movescount exports... Only the utf-8, bom, etc. matters. On Windows notepad++ solves that part automagically. Not sure what works on Linux, but I guess who uses Linux already knows how to handle character encoding...