iamdestinychild / 30-Days-DSA-Challenge

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Adding Combination Sum problem Leetcode - C++ #205

Open imPradhyumn opened 1 year ago

imPradhyumn commented 1 year ago


Given an array of distinct integers candidates and a target integer target, return a list of all unique combinations of candidates where the chosen numbers sum to target. You may return the combinations in any order.

DSA Problem

Leetcode : 39

Input: candidates = [2,3,6,7], target = 7 Output: [[2,2,3],[7]] Explanation: 2 and 3 are candidates, and 2 + 2 + 3 = 7. Note that 2 can be used multiple times. 7 is a candidate, and 7 = 7. These are the only two combinations.