iamgreaser / iceball

Open-source rewrite of the VOXLAP version of Ace of Spades.
GNU General Public License v3.0
113 stars 32 forks source link

Migrate to SDL2 #158

Closed dany-on-demand closed 8 years ago

dany-on-demand commented 9 years ago

Sigh... okay might as well just do it, enough putting it off.


Ericson2314 commented 9 years ago

So I hear there is a dual mouse thing for SDL2. Split screen would be cool.

dany-on-demand commented 9 years ago

I've gotten to a point where I show an SDL window but I'm having issues. Would be nice if you could stop by the IRC!

iamgreaser commented 9 years ago

Last time I checked, multiple input was only "is this the touch pad or is this a mouse", rather than the sheer awesomeness of having two kb+mouse combos in Xi2.

They may have changed this in the later versions, but I'd have to check.

rakiru commented 9 years ago

I think the multiple mouse thing was a 3rd-party module or something (from what I remember when reading a blog post or wiki page).

Edit: This is why I bookmark everything: http://www.reddit.com/r/LinuxActionShow/comments/1kbepr/ryan_c_gordon_talks_about_sdl_20_and_the_future/

The biggest request I get, from all over the Internet, is the multiple mouse support, which is notably absent in 2.0.0. We originally had a Google Summer of Code student that we asked to merge ManyMouse ( http://icculus.org/manymouse/ ) into SDL, but he went off and did his own thing and it just didn't work out, so we yanked it. This will be coming in a future release. ManyMouse still works alongside SDL2 in the meantime.

iamgreaser commented 9 years ago

It was all going fine until we hit input.

SDL2 builds work fine in all other areas from what I gather.

I'll explain what's needed:

rakiru commented 9 years ago

to which I say fuck those people, they can suffer.

Eh, so basically, fuck anyone not using English or similar alphabet? We should really support proper text input, although I'm not really sure how to go about that in a way that would also work with SDL 1. Surely it's possible to handle text similar to SDL 1 for a temporary workaround though?

As an aside, what are the reasons for continuing support for SDL 1?

iamgreaser commented 9 years ago

Mostly so we can have a transition period or something like that. I've also yet to chuck the latest SDL2 into my winlibs.

fkaa commented 8 years ago

Fixed in https://github.com/iamgreaser/iceball/pull/226