iamgreaser / iceball

Open-source rewrite of the VOXLAP version of Ace of Spades.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Switching teams should be called desertion #197

Open dany-on-demand opened 9 years ago

dany-on-demand commented 9 years ago

Maybe it will dissuade people from changing teams when theirs is being wrecked.

rakiru commented 9 years ago

The people that change team to be on the winning side are the people least likely to care about being called deserters. It could be a more fun way to word it though (or leaving the server entirely).

Nolan-O commented 9 years ago

Or desertion is for when you leave, and betrayal is when you switch.

rakiru commented 9 years ago

@RSTFS Yes, that's along the lines of what I was thinking. I couldn't think of the word though. That would be my preferred way to do this, if any.

dany-on-demand commented 9 years ago

Do you wish to desert your comrades of ${server_name}?

Spymaster: betray your team and switch to the ${team_name}, do you accept?

rakiru commented 9 years ago


Sounds good though. Reminds me of the quit message of Quake and stuff.

iamgreaser commented 9 years ago

With respect to team switching, usually when I team switch it's to fix balance.

epicfacethe3rd commented 9 years ago

yeah, GM has a good point. maybe a system that just says "balanced" for autobalances and "deserter/desertion" for plain old team switching.

rakiru commented 9 years ago

There is no auto-balance though, and even if there was, it wouldn't be perfect all the time. I still think it adds a nice touch though. Even if not in the team switch menu, the chat message or something could be cool.

reid-mclendon commented 9 years ago

I agree with RSTFS and rakiru. Desertion is not switching, its leaving. Message when exiting game: Desertion is an act of treason, do you wish to continue? Message when switching teams: Fighting for the enemy is an act of treason, do you wish to continue?

Punishment for these and other acts of treason or misconduct (team killing, chat spam) would be interesting. Perhaps if you switch from one team to another you are no longer welcome at the former team if you decide to switch back?

rakiru commented 9 years ago

I don't think this should have any actual effect on the game. If it is added, it should be purely a fun way of wording the existing messages.

reid-mclendon commented 9 years ago

Yeah, it certainly doesn't need to be anything more than wording. I only mentioned punishment as an idea that I might implement somehow if I had a server myself.

epicfacethe3rd commented 9 years ago

an autobalance feature would be useful. perhaps a voting system? like, vote for votekick (${user} was sent to hell.) afk kicking, (${user} died of a coma.) balancing, (${user} was balanced against his own will) and forced team switching. (${user} got stuck in a ditch for ${time}).

rakiru commented 9 years ago

Auto-balance and voting are separate issues.

neppermint commented 9 years ago

The people that change team to be on the winning side are the people least likely to care about being called deserters

As someone who changes teams in every game, I'd rather be mocked and called a deserter than be stuck on a worthless team getting destroyed.

10se1ucgo commented 9 years ago

Well, then you're an asshole :D