iamgreaser / iceball

Open-source rewrite of the VOXLAP version of Ace of Spades.
GNU General Public License v3.0
113 stars 32 forks source link

Rename Iceball #277

Open Kuunikal opened 6 years ago

Kuunikal commented 6 years ago

The name "Iceball" is so confusing.

When I first heard about it, I had no idea it was about Ace of Spades until I actually saw screenshots. Search results bring up nothing, and I'm confident that it's a big reason why nobody plays it.

I think it should be renamed! Any other opinions?

ps. fix http://iceball.build pls thx yay

asiekierka commented 6 years ago

What about Fireball? :^)

NotAFile commented 6 years ago


chenshuiluke commented 6 years ago

yh what's up with http://iceball.build? :(

NotAFile commented 6 years ago

well, domain registration ran out it seems. And good luck convincing rakiru to pay 10£ to register it again for a dead project.

rakiru commented 6 years ago

I didn't own iceball.build, and .build domains cost more than £10 anyway.

It should be fairly easy to set up automated builds with Travis if anyone wants to actually continue working on this, and a website could be made with github pages with no domain needed.

I have zero time or interest for this project atm. I think I gave asie the steering wheel a while ago, but I'm not sure if they care about it any more either.

iamgreaser commented 6 years ago

If the trademark has lapsed, renaming this to Ace of Spades may be the only way to make people give a shit.

Wait, no. Renaming it to Ace of Spades 0.75 is what's needed.

In all seriousness though, renaming this isn't going to magically make people appear.

As with rakiru, I have neither time nor interest to spend on this project. Technically I do have time, but that would mean I would be taking it away from spending it on stuff I actually enjoy doing these days.

And to put this as bluntly as I can, bringing in people from BnS or Aloha won't do much. You'll have a "reunion" match or two and then it'll all go back into the cupboard for the next time someone feels nostalgic.

AoS got its community because someone posted it on /v/ and they took an interest to it. To promote this on /v/ would probably not have the appeal of something "new and niche" because there's enough who've played AoS in the golden days to identify its origin... and probably enough who've actually played Iceball specifically to say "yeah that's that buggy knockoff that crashes all the time".

But enough of that, I've got some Lisp code to write. Of course it's not for work.