While i tried to down the videos from Impartus it just download the audio alone with the screen left as blank. It is not happening for all, its hapening only for here and there.
OS: [enter your OS and version here] Windows 10 64 bit
Install method: [Executable or Manual method]
Manual method.
Your location: [where you were present when you faced the bug: Inside or outside campus]
Outside the campus
Course URL: [full course URL (see README)]
the first video of this, after 55 minutes it is just audio is coming. infact it has both audio and video in the actual Impartus code renditioning.
Lecture range: [enter the range you entered or "ALL"]
Additional context
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already detailed above
Describe the bug
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Program output
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*PASTE PROGRAM OUTPUT HERE* (Remove this line)
Context While i tried to down the videos from Impartus it just download the audio alone with the screen left as blank. It is not happening for all, its hapening only for here and there.
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Program output
Click to see output
``` *PASTE PROGRAM OUTPUT HERE* (Remove this line) ```