iammix / biaxialPy

Biaxial Load analysis for concrete sections
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Find correct and general leverarm for concrete force (polygon section) #5

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 3 years ago

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Find correct and general leverarm for concrete force (polygon section)

NOTE Test if this is true! Does not account for gap btw. sb and tension zone

FIXME This might not be correct in all cases (if compression zone is very small, tension will dominate)

Signed distance from inner stress block edge to extreme compression fiber

sb_y_intersect = delta_v - na_y # NOTE I can't really explain why this conditional is necessary, but it fixed the immediate problem


NOTE Might fail for non-convex polygons, e.g. a T-beam

Compute area of the stress block by shoelace algorithm


    :param Es:
    :return: Return moment of inertia about the y-axis

    n = Es / Ec
    nv = len(y)

    # Create a closed polygon by adding the first point to the end of the coordinate lists
    x = x + [x[0]]
    y = y + [y[0]]

    # Convert y-coordinates to specified axis of rotation

    x = [xc - i for i in x]
    xr = [xc - i for i in xr]

    # Compute list of terms for summation

    Icy_list = [1 / 12 * (x[i] ** 2 + x[i] * x[i + 1] + x[i + 1] ** 2) * (x[i] * y[i + 1] - x[i + 1] - x[i + 1] * y[i])
                for i in range(nv)]

    # Sum list elements and use absolute value so order can be clockwise or counter-clockwise
    Icy = abs(sum(Icy_list))

    # Create seperate lists for rebars in compression (c) and tension(t)
    xr_c, _, d_c, xr_t, _, d_t = compression_tension_rebars(x, y, xr, yr, d)

    # Rebars in compression
    Isy_c = [pi / 64 * d_c[i] ** 4 + (n - 1) * pi * d_c[i] ** 2 / 4 * xr_c[i] ** 2 for i in range(len(d_c))]

    # Rebars in tension
    Isy_t = [pi / 64 * d_t[i] ** 4 + n * pi * d_t[i] ** 2 / 4 * xr_t[i] ** 2 for i in range(len(d_t))]

    return Icy + sum(Isy_c) + sum(Isy_t)

def elastic_centroid(x, y, xr, yr, dia, Ec=EC, Es=ES) -> tuple:
    :return: Return elastic centroid of a transformed reinforced concrete secions.
    Rebars located outside of the concrete defined by x and y is assumed to be surrounded by ineffective/cracked concrete.

    # Stiffness ration
    n = Es / Ec

    # Number of rebars
    nb = len(dia)
    rebar_eval = rebars_in_stress_block(x, y, xr, yr)

    # Extract rebars in compression
    dia_comp = [dia[i] for i in range(nb) if rebar_eval[i]]
    xr_comp = [xr[i] for i in range(nb) if rebar_eval[i]]
    yr_comp = [yr[i] for i in range(nb) if rebar_eval[i]]

    # Extract rebars in tension
    dia_tens = [dia[i] for i in range(nb) if not rebar_eval[i]]
    xr_tens = [xr[i] for i in range(nb) if not rebar_eval[i]]
    yr_tens = [yr[i] for i in range(nb) if not rebar_eval[i]]

    # Compute centroid and area of concrete polygon
    xc, yc, Ac = geometry.polygon_centroid(x, y, return_area=True)

    # Compute total transformced area of section
    A_comp = sum([n * pi * d ** 2 / 4 for d in dia_tens])
    A_tens = sum([(n - 1) * pi * d ** 2 / 4 for d in dia_comp])
    A = Ac + A_comp + A_tens

    # Compute total 'moment area'
    Acx = Ac * xc
    Asx_comp = sum([(n - 1) * pi * dia_comp[i] ** 2 / 4 * xr_comp[i] for i in range(len(dia_comp))])
    Asx_tens = sum([n * pi * dia_tens[i] ** 2 / 4 * xr_tens[i] for i in range(len(dia_tens))])

    Acy = Ac * yc
    Asy_comp = sum([(n - 1) * pi * dia_comp[i] ** 2 / 4 * xr_comp[i] for i in range(len(dia_comp))])
    Asy_tens = sum([n * pi * dia_tens[i] ** 2 / 4 * yr_tens[i] for i in range(len(dia_tens))])

    # Compute x and y coordinates of elastic centroid fro transformed section
    xel = (Acx + Asx_comp + Asx_tens) / A
    yel = (Acy + Asy_comp + Asx_tens) / A

    return xel, yel

def transformed_axial_stiffness(x, y, dia, P, Ec=EC, Es=ES) -> float:
    :return: Return axial stiffness EA of transformed concrete section.
    # Stiffness ration
    n = Es / Ec

    # Area of rebars
    As = sum([pi * d ** 2 / 4 for d in dia])

    if P <= 0:
        # Compute area of section
        A = geometry.polygon_area(x, y)
        Ac = A - As
        Et = (Ec * Ac + (n - 1) * Es * As) / A
        At = Ac + (n - 1) * As

        return Et * At
        E = Es

        return E * As

def strain_field_eval(x, y, P, Mx, My, E, EA, Itx, Ity) -> float:
    :return: Return the evaluation of the strain field equation given for external loads P, Mx, My in point (x,y)
    Plane sections remain plane

    # Axial Strain
    eps_P = P / EA
    # Curvature from bending about x and y axis
    kappa_x = Mx / (E * Itx)
    kappa_y = My / (E * Ity)

    # TODO: Check if  strains are larger than the allowed, e.g. eps_cu
    # assignees: iammix
    # labels: todo

    return eps_P + y * kappa_x + x * kappa_y

def compute_plastic_centroid(x, y, xr, yr, As, fck, fyk) -> tuple:
    :return: Return plastic centroid of a reinforced concrete section.
    Ac = geometry.polygon_area(x, y)
    eta = 0.85
    F = sum([As[i] * fyk for i in As]) + eta * (Ac - sum(As)) * fck

    # TODO: Find correct and general leverarm for concrete force (polygon section)
    # assignees: iammix
    # labels: todo
    F_dx = sum([As[i] * fyk * xr[i] for i in range(len(xr))]) + eta * (Ac - sum(As)) * fck * 500 / 2
    F_dy = sum([As[i] * fyk * yr[i] for i in range(len(yr))]) + eta * (Ac - sum(As)) * fck * 375 / 2

    xpl = F_dx / F
    ypl = F_dy / False

    return xpl, ypl

def compute_dist_to_na(x, y, xr, yr, alpha_deg, na_y) -> tuple:
    :return: Return distances from neutral axis to all concrete section vertices and rebars

    alpha = alpha_deg * pi / 180

    na_x0 = 0
    na_y0 = tan(alpha) * na_x0 + na_y
    na_x1 = 1
    na_y1 = tan(alpha) * na_x1 + na_y

    # Compute signed distances from neutral axis to each vertex(neg. value-> vertex in compr. / pos. value -> vertex in tension)

    dv = [geometry.point_to_line_dist(x[i], y[i], na_x0, na_y0, na_x1, na_y1) for i in range(len(x))]

    # Compute sign of the signed distances if slope of neutral axis becomes negative
    dr = [geometry.point_to_line_dist(xr[i], yr[i], na_x0, na_y0, na_x1, na_y1) for i in range(len(xr))]

    # Reverse sign of the signed distances if slope of neutral axis become negative
    if 90 < alpha_deg <= 270:
        dv = list(np.negative(dv))
        dr = list(np.negative(dr))

    # Change potential distances of '-0.0' to '0.0' to avoid getting the wrong creoss section state latere
    dv = [0.0 if x == -0.0 else x for x in dv]

    return dv, dr

def stress_block_geometry(x, y, dv, dr, alpha_deg, na_y, lambda_=0.8):
    :return: Returns stress block geometry

    # NOTE Test if this is true! Does not account for gap btw. sb and tension zone
    if all(d >= 0 for d in dv):
        cross_section_state = 'PURE TENSION'

        # Distance from neutral axis to extreme tension bar (all distances will be positve)
        c = max([d for d in dr if d > 0])

        # Set vertices of stress block
        x_sb = None
        y_sb = None

        # Set stress block area
        Asb = 0

        sb_cog = None

    elif all(d <= 0 for d in dv):  # NOTE Test if this is true!
        cross_section_state = 'PURE COMPRESSION'

        # Distance from neutral axis to extreme compression fiber (all distances will be negative)
        c = min(dv)

        # Set vertices of stress block (entire section)
        x_sb = x
        y_sb = y

        Asb = geometry.polygon_area(x, y)
        sb_cog = geometry.polygon_centroid(x, y)

        cross_section_state = 'MIXED TENSION/COMPRESSION'

        # Distance from neutral axis to extreme compression fiber (pos. in tension / negative in compression)
        # FIXME This might not be correct in all cases (if compression zone is very small, tension will dominate)
        c = min(dv)
        # NOTE beta_1=0.85 from ACI should be replaced by lambda = 0.8 from Eurocode for concrete strengths < C50 (change also default function input)
        # Signed distance from inner stress block edge to extreme compression fiber
        a = lambda_ * c

        # Signed perpendicular distance between neutral axis and stress block
        delta_p = c - a

        # Vert. dist. in y-coordinate from neutral axis to inner edge of stress block
        delta_v = delta_p / cos(alpha_deg * pi / 180)

        # Intersection between stress block inner edge and y-axis (parallel with neutral axis)

        # if alpha_deg == 90:
        #     sb_y_intersect = delta_v - na_y     # NOTE I can't really explain why this conditional is necessary, but it fixed the immediate problem
        # else:
        sb_y_intersect = na_y - delta_v

        # Intersections between inner edge of stress block (parrallel with neutral axis) and section
        sb_xint, sb_yint = geometry.line_polygon_collisions(alpha_deg, sb_y_intersect, x, y)

        # Find concrete section vertices that are in compression
        x_compr_vertices, y_compr_vertices = geometry.get_section_compression_vertices(x, y, na_y, alpha_deg, delta_v)

        # Collect all stress block vertices
        x_sb = sb_xint + x_compr_vertices
        y_sb = sb_yint + y_compr_vertices

        # Order stress block vertices with respect to centroid for the entire section
        # NOTE Might fail for non-convex polygons, e.g. a T-beam
        x_sb, y_sb = geometry.order_polygon_vertices(x_sb, y_sb, x, y, counterclockwise=True)

        # NOTE Calc of area and centre of gravity is unnecessary in this function and should be done elsewhere if needed
        # Compute area of the stress block by shoelace algorithm
        Asb = geometry.polygon_area(x_sb, y_sb)

        # Compute location of centroid for stress block polygon
        sb_cog = geometry.polygon_centroid(x_sb, y_sb)

    return x_sb, y_sb, Asb, sb_cog, c

def compute_rebar_strain(dist_to_na, c, eps_cu) -> float:
    :return: Return strain in each bar as a list
    return [ri / abs(c) * eps_cu for ri in dist_to_na]

def compute_rebar_stress(eps_r, Es, fyd) -> list:
    :return: Return stress in each rebar as a list
    sigma_r = []
    for i in range(len(eps_r)):
        # Linear Elastic stress in i'th bar
        si = eps_r[i] * Es

        if abs(si) <= fyd:
            # Computed stress does noe exceed yield stress
            # Computed stress exceed yield, use yield stress instead
            sigma_r.append(np.sign(si) * fyd)

    return sigma_r

def rebars_in_stress_block(x_sb, y_sb, xr, yr) -> list:
    :return: Returns a list with entry 'True' for rebars located inside the stress block, 'False' otherwise
    if xr and yr:
        # Arrange rebar coordinates
        rebar_coords = [[xr[i], yr[i]] for i in range(len(xr))]
        raise ValueError('No rebars in section.')

    # Compute area of stress block
    Asb = geometry.polygon_area(x_sb, y_sb)

    if Asb != 0:
        # Arrange stress block coordinates
        sb_poly = [[x_sb[i], y_sb[i]] for i in range(len(x_sb))]

        # Check if rebars are inside the stress block
        path = pltPath.Path(sb_poly)

        # Returns 'True' if rebar is in stress block
        rebars_inside = path.contains_points(rebar_coords)
        # All rebars are in tension
        rebars_inside = [False] * len(xr)

    return rebars_inside

def compute_rebar_forces(xr, yr, As, sigma_r, rebars_inside, fcd, lambda_=0.8) -> list:
    :return: Return rebar forces as list

    Fr = []
    for i in range(len(xr)):
        if rebars_inside[i]:
            # Rebar is inside stress block, correct for disp. of concrete
            Fi = (sigma_r[i] + lambda_ * fcd) * As
            # Rebar is outside stress block
            Fi = sigma_r[i] * As

    return Fr

def compute_concrete_force(fcd, Asb, lambda_=0.8):
    :return: Return compression force in the concrete
    Fc = -lambda_ * fcd * Asb
    return Fc

def compute_moment_vector_angle(Mx, My):
    :return: Return the angle (in degrees) of the moment vector with respect to the x-axis
    if Mx == 0:
        if My == 0:
            phi = None
            phi = 90
        phi = atan(My / Mx) * 180 / pi

def compute_C_T_forces(Fc, Fr):
    :return: Return Compression (C) and Tension (T) forces of the section
    Fr_compr = [p for p in Fr if p <= 0]
    Fr_tension = [p for p in Fr if p > 0]
    C = sum(Fr_compr) + Fc
    T = sum(Fr_tension)
    return C, T

def compute_moment_contributions(xr, yr, Asb, sb_cog, Fc, Fr):
    :return: Return the moment contributions from concrete and rebars in the cross section
    if Asb == 0:
        Mcx = 0
        Mcy = 0
        Mcx = -Fc * sb_cog[1]
        Mcy = -Fc * sb_cog[0]

    Mrx = [-Fr[i] * yr[i] for i in range(len(yr))]
    Mry = [-Fr[i] * xr[i] for i in range(len(xr))]

    return Mcx, Mcy, Mrx, Mry

def compute_C_T_moment(C, T, Mcx, Mcy, Mry, Mrx, Fr, alpha_deg):
    :return: Return total moments generated in the section by Compression (C) and Tension (T) resisting forces.
            The calculation assumes a left-handed sign convention.
    My_compr = []
    Mx_compr = []
    My_tension = []
    Mx_tension = []
    for i in range(len(Fr)):
        if Fr[i] <= 0:
        if Fr[i] > 0:

    # Total moment for compression resisting forces (adapted for LH sign convention)
    if alpha_deg >= 90 and alpha_deg <= 270:
        My_C = sum(My_compr) + Mcy
        Mx_C = sum(Mx_compr) + Mcx
        My_C = -(sum(My_compr) + Mcy)
        Mx_C = -(sum(Mx_compr) + Mcx)

    # Total moment for tension resisting forces (adapted for LH sign convention)
    if alpha_deg >= 90 and alpha_deg <= 270:
        My_T = sum(My_tension)
        Mx_T = sum(Mx_tension)
        My_T = -sum(My_tension)
        Mx_T = -sum(Mx_tension)

    return Mx_C, My_C, Mx_T, My_T

def compute_C_T_forces_eccentricity(C, T, My_C, Mx_C, Mx_T, My_T):
    :return: Return eccentricity of Compression (C) and Tension (T) forces.
    if C == 0:
        ex_C = np.nan
        ey_C = np.nan
        ex_C = My_C / C
        ey_C = Mx_C / C

    if T == 0:
        ex_T = np.nan
        ey_T = np.nan
        ex_T = My_T / T
        ey_T = Mx_T / T

    return ex_C, ey_C, ex_T, ey_T

def perform_section_analysis(x, y, xr, yr, fcd, fyd, Es, eps_cu, As, alpha_deg, na_y, lambda_=0.8):
    :return: Perform cross section analysis
    dv, dr = compute_dist_to_na(x, y, xr, yr, alpha_deg, na_y)
    x_sb, y_sb, Asb, sb_cog, c = stress_block_geometry(x, y, dv, dr, alpha_deg, na_y, lambda_=lambda_)
    eps_r = compute_rebar_strain(dr, c, eps_cu)
    sigma_r = compute_rebar_stress(eps_r, Es, fyd)
    rebars_inside = rebars_in_stress_block(x_sb, y_sb, xr, yr)
    Fr = compute_rebar_forces(xr, yr, As, sigma_r, rebars_inside, fcd, lambda_=lambda_)
    Fc = compute_concrete_force(fcd, Asb)
    logging.info('dv =' + str(np.round(dv, decimals=2)))
    logging.info('dr =' + str(np.round(dr, decimals=2)))
    logging.info('Asb =' + str(np.round(Asb, decimals=2)))
    logging.info('Fc =' + str(np.round(Fc, decimals=2)))
    logging.info('eps_r =' + str(eps_r))
    logging.info('sigma_r =' + str(np.round(sigma_r, decimals=2)))
    logging.info('Fr =' + str(np.round(Fr, decimals=2)))
    logging.info('Finished logging of section analysis')

    return Fc, Fr, Asb, sb_cog, x_sb, y_sb

if __name__ == '__main__':


github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

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