Utility to assist the Ajax loading of HTML containing script tags that use document.write. Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/writecapturejs-users
We ran into an issue where an ad was being written with document.write and then tried to access the dom elements written. The writeOnGetElementById option seems to remedy this, but we didn't want to override document.getElementById for performance reasons. What do you guys think of this patch that gives the option to have document.write calls to be written immediately, bypassing the queue?
We ran into an issue where an ad was being written with document.write and then tried to access the dom elements written. The writeOnGetElementById option seems to remedy this, but we didn't want to override document.getElementById for performance reasons. What do you guys think of this patch that gives the option to have document.write calls to be written immediately, bypassing the queue?