iampawan / ChatGPT-Flutter-AIChatBot

A Chatbot chat app built using the Flutter framework and OpenAI's GPT-3 language model.
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Added support for the language model gptTurbo0301, and updated the Readme file #18

Open AL-ABYADH opened 1 year ago

AL-ABYADH commented 1 year ago

I noticed that the app only used the text-davinci language model and that the version of the chat_gpt_skd was too old. There, I updated the package to the last version, and I added a method to the ChatScreen class to specify the model as an argument passed to it along with the message or the prompt, and accordingly, it sends the request and receives the response. Meaning, you can choose the model to be text-davinci, gptTurbo0301, or whatever you need when calling the '_chooseModel' method. Besides, I noticed that no instructions were provided about the '.env' file, and not all Flutter devs are familiar with it, so I updated the 'Readme' file to include instructions on how to set the API key in the '.env' file.