iampawan / Flutter-Walkthrough

A new Flutter package which helps developers in creating walkthrough of their app.
MIT License
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Next page has back button on top bar #2

Open gonzalonm opened 6 years ago

gonzalonm commented 6 years ago

After walkthrough finishes, a new page is loaded but with a back button at top (appBar). Are there any ways to hide or remove that button?

I think it can be related in how next page is called internally. I assume if it's called as Navigator.pushReplacementNamed("some Route"); it should be fixed

I'm checking this post.

gonzalonm commented 6 years ago

I didn't see at bottom in that post a nice way to hide that

automaticallyImplyLeading: false

Doing this, back button is hidding but if I tap on device back button, walkthrough is shown again :(