iampossible / Cordova-DocPicker

iOS plugin for Cordova writting in Swift.
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Unable to build iOS via phonegap: Check dependencies, SWIFT_VERSION #12

Closed alexverbitsky closed 4 years ago

alexverbitsky commented 5 years ago

Getting following error from Phonegap:

Check dependencies _The “Swift Language Version” (SWIFTVERSION) build setting must be set to a supported value for targets which use Swift. Supported values are: 3.0, 4.0, 4.2. This setting can be set in the build settings editor. _The “Swift Language Version” (SWIFTVERSION) build setting must be set to a supported value for targets which use Swift. Supported values are: 3.0, 4.0, 4.2. This setting can be set in the build settings editor.


The following build commands failed: Check dependencies (1 failure) _Error code 65 for command: xcodebuild with args: -xcconfig,/private/project/cordova/build-release.xcconfig,-workspace,project.xcworkspace,-scheme,project,-configuration,Release,-destination,generic/platform=iOS,-archivePath,project.xcarchive,archive,CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/private/project/build/device,SHARED_PRECOMPSDIR=/private/project/build/sharedpch,-UseModernBuildSystem=0

Dependencies at package.json: "ionic-angular": "3.8.0", "@ionic-native/document-picker": "4.20.0", "cordova-ios": "4.5.5", "cordova-documentpicker": "git+https://github.com/iampossible/Cordova-DocPicker.git#a306b36c9037d28485829702c4476ccdc607860c", "cordova-plugin-add-swift-support": "2.0.2",


<platform name="ios"> <preference name="UseSwiftLanguageVersion" value="4.2" /> </platform>

<plugin name="cordova-plugin-add-swift-support" spec="2.0.2" /> <plugin name="cordova-documentpicker" source="git" spec="https://github.com/iampossible/Cordova-DocPicker.git#a306b36c9037d28485829702c4476ccdc607860c" />

Also I tried to use <preference name="UseLegacySwiftLanguageVersion" value="true" /> as discribed at cordova-plugin-add-swift-support docs, and the other values for UseSwiftLanguageVersion.

Phonegap build update worked without any issue on 25th of May when I added cordova-documentpicker the first time

alexverbitsky commented 5 years ago

Can't fix as described in issue https://github.com/iampossible/Cordova-DocPicker/issues/5

alexverbitsky commented 5 years ago

Seems like the plugin has been written on Swift 2 or lower. cordova-plugin-add-swift-support doesn't resolve the issue. Also migration to 3.x at least is impossible without downgrading to High Sierra and installing xcode 8.x Be careful when use this plugin, wasted a lot of time on investigation.

AmadeuReal commented 4 years ago

I'm so sorry for only getting to you right now… But this issue was mitigated on the last release (1.2.2)