iampueroo / rComments

Chrome and Firefox extension for quickly exploring Reddit comments and replies without having to click through to the post!
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Feature request: add a comment using the extension #19

Open Destaq opened 3 years ago

Destaq commented 3 years ago

Title says it all. It would be very convenient if you could write a comment directly by hovering, in a similar manner to the way the Fetching comment... box appears.

iampueroo commented 3 years ago

Thank you @Destaq for this feature request! I'm not sure how feasible this is in the short term, but I'll investigate the options this week.

One request: do you have any thoughts on markdown? I think the simplest first feature that can be added is a "quicky reply" feature that would not support anything complex like markdown, and would be used for quick replies rather than long, detailed, formatted comments.

Destaq commented 3 years ago

Thank you @Destaq for this feature request! I'm not sure how feasible this is in the short term, but I'll investigate the options this week.

One request: do you have any thoughts on markdown? I think the simplest first feature that can be added is a "quicky reply" feature that would not support anything complex like markdown, and would be used for quick replies rather than long, detailed, formatted comments.

I think if Markdown would be relatively easy to implement, you should do so, but if not, it doesn't matter.

iampueroo commented 3 years ago

It seems like this would be as simple as adding a textarea that implicitly supports markdown under the comment you want to reply to and then POST-ing a request as defined here: https://www.reddit.com/dev/api/#POST_api_comment.

As for UI, I did a bit of experimenting, maybe something like this:

I'll start prototyping this at some point in the next month.

Destaq commented 2 years ago

Any progress since then?