iampueroo / rComments

Chrome and Firefox extension for quickly exploring Reddit comments and replies without having to click through to the post!
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Skip pinned comments #20

Closed arafatamim closed 3 years ago

arafatamim commented 3 years ago

Skip useless pinned comments from mods to the next top level comment.

iampueroo commented 3 years ago

Hey @arafatamim thanks for filing this issue. I'll look into how to implement this this week. I've also found these pinned comments to be an annoyance since I'm usually only looking for actual content when using the extension.

As for what it would look like, In my mind I see the UI showing a comment section, but collapsed with a message like "Show pinned mod comment" (the second comment will show up too). That way if the user wants to see the pinned mod comment, they can. This would be super important for subreddits like /r/soccer that use a pinned mod comment for redditors to reply with highlights and/or mirrors (see example /r/soccer thread). In fact, in the future I could parse through the replies and bring up the links directly into the collapsed comment! Would be nice. For now though I'll investigate identifying the pinned, mod comments, collapsing them, and showing the second comment by default.

iampueroo commented 3 years ago

Preview so far: test

arafatamim commented 3 years ago

Looks great!

iampueroo commented 3 years ago

Alright @arafatamim ! So I published v1.3.0 of the extension which should allow me to close this, but not with the exact behavior as shown above^. See complete changelog here: https://iampueroo.github.io/rComments/#v1.3.0

The new behavior is as follows: when the first comment of a post is a stickied mod comment, the next top level parent comment is requested immediately. However, the sticked mod comment is not skipped nor hidden nor collapsed in anyway. I ended up removing that behavior because I found that in general I would click that "Click to View" prompt to double check what that comment was. That was extremely true when I wasn't on a subreddit page, since different subreddits have different purposes for their stickied mod comments - some are announcements, some are interesting and/or useful.

Regardless, I am planning on continuous to iterate on this: for example, I could add an option to hide the comments if the user requires (possibly at the subreddit granularity) or even more exciting, automatically extract the mirrors/aa links from the child comments of a sports subreddit Automoderator (see example post here).

Thanks again for submitting the issue, apologies it took so long. If you feel strongly about some decisions taken, please reply and/or leave another issue!

arafatamim commented 3 years ago

That's terrific. Thanks for the quick work!