iampueroo / rComments

Chrome and Firefox extension for quickly exploring Reddit comments and replies without having to click through to the post!
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rComments causes RES linkNumbers to be infinitely appended to links #27

Open azizLIGHT opened 3 years ago

azizLIGHT commented 3 years ago

A feature of RES called linkNumbers adds super-scripted link numbers to the end of every link in an "active" styled comment to allow for keyboard navigation of links. When used with rComments, the linkNumbers can be infinitely appended to links. Here's what it looks like:

infinite-superscript2 Here's the link to that example reddit post with the massive linkdump comment

If you open a rComments popup for any post and click a 'Next Reply' link for any comment (parent or nested), or click inside the area of that comment, it will get "active" styled by RES and all links will get an auto-incremented number in superscript appended to every link. Then if you mouse away from rComments popup and repeat the process by clicking 'Next Reply' for that same comment, it will get an additional linkNumbers appended for all links in that comment once again.

As long as replies to the comment exist, the 'Next Reply' link can append linkNumbers again and again. Depending on your font sizes, the content of the comment and the length, positioning, and formatting of links, you could horizontally extend the text and cause words at the end of a line to be shifted to a new line. This could potentially change the vertical positioning of the 'Next Reply' link and if you are not paying attention and click fast, you could misclick and open a link by accident (2nd and 4th repetition in the gif)

The issue can cascade down to nested comments and change their vertical positioning too if you vary which comment you click 'Next Reply' on in the comment chain (basically asking RES to "activate" elsewhere). Since I don't use this linkNumbers feature of RES, I haven't tested how the numerical keyboard navigation is affected by this. I've just disabled linkNumbers in RES settings as a workaround for now!