iampueroo / rComments

Chrome and Firefox extension for quickly exploring Reddit comments and replies without having to click through to the post!
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Feature Request: Load x amount of comments at first #3

Open azizLIGHT opened 6 years ago

azizLIGHT commented 6 years ago

Would be nice if we can specify for it to load an arbitrary amount of top level comments on the initial load. For example, being able to see the top 5 top level comments immediately instead of having click 5 times would be nice. This way you can load them up every time on hovering on the comments link and decide if its worth loading more immediately and not have to click 5 times for every single post on the front page. Also, the comment types should be choose-able: best vs top vs new vs suggested vs controversial etc

iampueroo commented 6 years ago

Awesome idea. I'll keep this open until these extension options are added