iampueroo / rComments

Chrome and Firefox extension for quickly exploring Reddit comments and replies without having to click through to the post!
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Request: Delay before activating 'comments on hover' #40

Open SteveinA2 opened 5 months ago

SteveinA2 commented 5 months ago

I'm enjoying using this.

Problem I've experienced: Sometimes it activates when I'm just scanning my cursor across the page. Like it's 'tuned' a little too sensitive. This creates distracting renderings of text [edit: was "images"] overlaying parts of the text on other parts of the page that I'm actually trying to read.

Wondering if it would be hard to add an optional delay after the hover, but before the comment view is activated. That would allow someone to keep their mouse moving long enough while scrolling to prevent this issue.

Edited to add additional info about the way the 'problem' affects my experience as I use the extension: The distraction isn't just when I accidentally scroll over a comment link and the underlying text pops up (as noted above); the more common example is when I actually want to click on the comment link to open up the post in a new tab. Instead of clicking the link like I intend, I suddenly have to avoid the text that renders instantly when I'm hovering over the link, even before I can click on the link itself. Allowing users to set a brief delay (much like RES supports) would get rid of this problem!

Thank you again for the extension. I'm getting a lot of value from it.