iamthesux / KingsHorses

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Metis Launcher - Rearming itself #69

Open TophatSpearhead opened 9 years ago

TophatSpearhead commented 9 years ago

Date: (4/1/15)

(x2) Metis Launchers were assembled at the NW Pillbox by COP Smirnoff. They were used to engage and destroy (x2) T-72 unit. Following this, they were used for spotting purposes for an MG team. At this time, the individual manning one discharged a rocket, believing the unit to be empty. Several seconds later, another was discharged. This was tested further using the second launcher.

In short, they are rearming themselves after a few seconds.

To reproduce, assemble a metis. Fire it, then wait a few seconds and attempt again.

iamthesux commented 9 years ago

That's odd, I'll investigate.