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Sonar Quickstart Curriculum #51

Open iamtrask opened 6 years ago

iamtrask commented 6 years ago

User Story A: As an Ethereum enthusiast, I want to hear about OpenMined in one of my Ethereum Communities in such a way that I land on a page of the project that cators to my interests, explains why I might be interested in the project, and leads me through a curriculum of information that takes me through my first Pull Request into Sonar or PySonar. The curriculum should both serve as a means of conveying information and should also keep me engaged and grow my excitement around what the OpenMined Community is building.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. A Markdown file in Docs/curriculum should exist specifically for on-boarding individuals into the Sonar and PySonar projects.
  2. BEGINNING: The markdown file of (1) should contain a Step 1, Step 2, Step 3 style list of pointers to various pieces of OpenMined documentation and tutorials that someone onboarding onto the Sonar Project would require to be able to know about this project. This includes ALL demos of the capabilities of the technology (whether just notebooks or in youtube videos on our channel). This Markdown file should be the appropriate next step after finishing the General "Contributor Quickstart Guide".
  3. MIDDLE: along the way, there should include pointers to various tutorials external to OpenMined (such as to "decypher.tv" to learn how to code Solidity) so that people can know where to acquire the skills necessary to contribute to Sonar if they do not already have them.
  4. END: This markdown file should finish with steps referring to an Issues page (with appropriate filters) for identifying Issues that are relevant for new contributors to be able to pick up.
  5. SUCCESS CRITERIA: While (1-4) are suggestions... the true goal here is to eliminate the need for someone to resort to Slack to be able to merge their first PR to Sonar or PySonar