iamtrask / Sonar

DEPRECATED - Decentralized Machine Learning Server (hosted on Blockchain)
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Command Line-based Monitoring of Model Training Progress #3

Open samsontmr opened 6 years ago

samsontmr commented 6 years ago

User Story: As a Data Scientist, I want to be able to monitoring the training of my published model from my command line.

Acceptance Criteria

To be Discussed Before Implementation

axelhodler commented 6 years ago

What exactly would the Data Scientist want to do with the information? (tells us what to include in the output)

diegoalejogm commented 6 years ago

The number of times gradients have been updated. The amount of money spent so far. I could work on this BTW

jeamick commented 6 years ago

@diegoalejogm are you currently working on it? if I could provide you any help feel free to ping me on slack

diegoalejogm commented 6 years ago

Haven't started this yet