iamtrask / Sonar

DEPRECATED - Decentralized Machine Learning Server (hosted on Blockchain)
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:scissors: refactor: remove demo contracts #8

Closed anoff closed 6 years ago

anoff commented 6 years ago

Well...cleanup 🚿

axelhodler commented 6 years ago

@anoff the contracts are still referenced in the migrations folder

anoff commented 6 years ago

Not even sure what those scripts even do but removed the dead ref :)

axelhodler commented 6 years ago

Not even sure what those scripts even do [...]

they are just some ordered scripts e.g.

// migrations/1_hi_im.js
module.exports = function(deployer) {
  console.log('Hi i`m')
// migrations/2_axel.js
module.exports = function(deployer) {

./node_modules/.bin/truffle migrate

Running migration: 1_hi_im.js
Hi i`m
Saving artifacts...
Running migration: 2_axel.js
Saving artifacts...

and TIL migrate wont run if there are not at least two migration files. Interesting. Will have a look into what truffle does exactly

anoff commented 6 years ago

Also turns out you need the Migration.sol for things to work.. I should really try to understand what things do before I delete them lol

iamtrask commented 6 years ago

Yessir @anoff! The migrations stuff helps automate things like smart contract lifecycle.