iamurmani / skilluptechie

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Create Routes and Components for Navigation in admin dashboard #25

Open iamurmani opened 2 weeks ago

iamurmani commented 2 weeks ago


To design and implement routes and respective components for a web application that will allow users to navigate to various sections such as overview, analytics, questions, create questions, language, and create language.


  1. Overview: Displays an overview of the application's main features.
  2. Analytics: Displays analytical data and metrics.
  3. Questions: Lists all the questions.
  4. Create Questions: Allows the creation of new questions.
  5. Language: Lists all the programming languages.
  6. Create Language: Allows the creation of new languages.
Madanraj0519 commented 2 weeks ago

I think you are saying that Just create a component according to the section and give a route to each section in the admin dashboard. thus it?

iamurmani commented 2 weeks ago

@Madanraj0519 yes because once if the component is ready, i can create separate tasks to work on the specific component design

Madanraj0519 commented 2 weeks ago

I will take this issue