iamvivekkaushik / DatePickerTimelineFlutter

Flutter Date Picker Library that provides a calendar as a horizontal timeline
Apache License 2.0
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Persian(Jalali) Calendar #15

Open mohammadamirnm opened 4 years ago

mohammadamirnm commented 4 years ago

Is it possible for you to add a Persian calendar option to it? Example for a simple Persian calendar: https://pub.dev/packages/persian_datepicker#-readme-tab-

iamvivekkaushik commented 4 years ago

I don't have much information about Persian calendar. If you want to change language you can do that by providing the locale.

mohammadamirnm commented 4 years ago

No the language isn't the problem. The only thing needed to be done is the conversion. For example today(September 3rd 2019) => Aban 12th 1398, it's just simple math. I could also provide you a convertor of the dates or you could help me create a function in your code for this purpose.