iamvivekkaushik / DatePickerTimelineFlutter

Flutter Date Picker Library that provides a calendar as a horizontal timeline
Apache License 2.0
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Using `notifyListeners()` inside `onDateChange` not working #17

Closed psygo closed 4 years ago

psygo commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug

Whenever the user changes the calendar date, something should happen in my program. At least a class I created to store my screen's data should change. In order to do so, I'm calling a method that changes the internal data and then calling notifyListeners() to update other fields. However, if I use notifyListeners(), the selected date on the calendar doesn't change; the data does change, but not the selected rectangle on the screen.

To Reproduce

The code in my app is quite long, but I believe the following should suffice...

The DatePickerTimeline call:

  onDateChange: (newDate){
    data.changeDay(date: newDate);

The method to update the data is something like:

void changeDay({DateTime date}){
  this.day = date;

Expected behavior

Why is the selected rectangle not being selected? I've also tried to refactor the code to use the Provider package instead of setState() but it didn't work either.

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psygo commented 4 years ago

I'm leaning more and more on blaming the interaction of setState and notifyListeners. After wrapping the Container from the DatePickerTimeline widget source code and replacing widget.currentDate by a Consumer<> with data.currentDate (and adding notifyListeners), everything seems to work fine.

iamvivekkaushik commented 4 years ago

I am not sure why this is happening. onDateChange is called after data has been changed which should change the background to respective date.

iamvivekkaushik commented 4 years ago

This seems to be working fine make sure you are implementing it correctly.