iamvivekkaushik / DatePickerTimelineFlutter

Flutter Date Picker Library that provides a calendar as a horizontal timeline
Apache License 2.0
282 stars 198 forks source link

Updated intl to 0.18.0 #80

Closed afjal1 closed 1 year ago

teenking commented 1 year ago

Please update to intl to 0.18.1

brasizza commented 1 year ago


cesarkmelo commented 1 year ago

Yes please update!!

Jakoo13 commented 1 year ago

Please merge!!!

martin-braun commented 1 year ago

I wish I could be done with this nonsense dependency hell crap that Flutter forces on us, once a package maintainer sleeps. Google has to do something about this, it frustrates you, it frustrates me, it frustrates everybody.

Give me support at https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/128923.

@alexsanchezdev Would you please publish your version on pub.dev? That would be so helpful.

mzdm commented 1 year ago

This intl dependency conflict came up to me in a lots of package. Temporary solution is also to add to dependency_overrides:

  intl: ^0.18.0

However it is not recommended approach for longterm

alexsanchezdev commented 1 year ago

Hey @martin-braun ,

my fork has some specific changes for my use case, but I agree is a pain with Flutter version conflicts and not having new releases to fix it.

I can create a new repo with updated stuff and some internal code improvements, push it to pub.dev, and try to maintain it, as we are suffering from this issue ourselves so we don't mind sharing it with the community.

What do you think @iamvivekkaushik ? Are you planning to maintain this package or shall we publish a new forked version?

iamvivekkaushik commented 1 year ago

Sorry Guys, I don't have any plans to maintain the package at the moment. If any of you want to be a full time maintainer I can give write access to the repo.

martin-braun commented 1 year ago

@alexsanchezdev It sounds like you are the perfect match for the task. So then, my recommendation is to give you write access to this repo (incl. pub.dev) so you can apply improvements and version bumps of dependencies accordingly.

Thank you @iamvivekkaushik and @alexsanchezdev ❤️

iamvivekkaushik commented 1 year ago

I've setup CI/CD for publishing the package the pub.dev. Current version is already uploaded. Let me know @alexsanchezdev if you wanna maintain this package.