ianbrault / nyt_recipe

Downloads recipes from the NYT Cooking website and converts them into an Apple Notes-compatible format
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Plain Text or HTML Output Options #3

Open janagyjr opened 8 months ago

janagyjr commented 8 months ago

Would you be able to provide them also in a plain-text or HTML file instead of just Apple Notes? I'm not a mac user but I love collecting recipes and this script seems like it'd be just what I need aside from the output format.

ianbrault commented 8 months ago

The default output is HTML but an additional option for plaintext output makes sense

janagyjr commented 8 months ago

Ah, I'm not familiar with Apple Notes so I didn't know that. Cool, I'll be downloading this in a few days (I want to have time to set up the machine I'm putting it on).