iancleary / nuxtjs-contentful-blog

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Feat/yarn upgrade #238

Closed iancleary closed 3 years ago

iancleary commented 3 years ago
yarn config -v
➤ YN0034: Invalid configuration key "configPrefix" in <environment>

➤ YN0000: bstatePath                    Path of the file where the current state of the built packages must be stored                                                                           '/home/iancleary/me/website/.yarn/build-state.yml'
➤ YN0000: cacheFolder                   Folder where the cache files must be written                                                                                                            '/home/iancleary/me/website/.yarn/cache'
➤ YN0000: cacheKeyOverride              A global cache key override; used only for test purposes                                                                                                null
➤ YN0000: checksumBehavior              Enumeration defining what to do when a checksum doesn't match expectations                                                                              'throw'
➤ YN0000: cloneConcurrency              Maximal number of concurrent clones                                                                                                                     2
➤ YN0000: compressionLevel              Zip files compression level, from 0 to 9 or mixed (a variant of 9, which stores some files uncompressed, when compression doesn't yield good results)   'mixed'
➤ YN0000: defaultLanguageName           Default language mode that should be used when a package doesn't offer any insight                                                                      'node'
➤ YN0000: defaultProtocol               Default resolution protocol used when resolving pure semver and tag ranges                                                                              'npm:'
➤ YN0000: defaultSemverRangePrefix      The default save prefix: '^', '~' or ''                                                                                                                 '^'
➤ YN0000: enableAbsoluteVirtuals        If true, the virtual symlinks will use absolute paths if required [non portable!!]                                                                      false
➤ YN0000: enableColors                  If true, the CLI is allowed to use colors in its output                                                                                                 true
➤ YN0000: enableGlobalCache             If true, the system-wide cache folder will be used regardless of `cache-folder`                                                                         false
➤ YN0000: enableHyperlinks              If true, the CLI is allowed to use hyperlinks in its output                                                                                             true
➤ YN0000: enableImmutableCache          If true, the cache is reputed immutable and actions that would modify it will throw                                                                     false
➤ YN0000: enableImmutableInstalls       If true, prevents the install command from modifying the lockfile                                                                                       false
➤ YN0000: enableInlineBuilds            If true, the CLI will print the build output on the command line                                                                                        false
➤ YN0000: enableInlineHunks             If true, the installs will print unmatched patch hunks                                                                                                  false
➤ YN0000: enableMirror                  If true, the downloaded packages will be retrieved and stored in both the local and global folders                                                      true
➤ YN0000: enableNetwork                 If false, the package manager will refuse to use the network if required to                                                                             true
➤ YN0000: enableProgressBars            If true, the CLI is allowed to show a progress bar for long-running events                                                                              true
➤ YN0000: enableScripts                 If true, packages are allowed to have install scripts by default                                                                                        true
➤ YN0000: enableTelemetry               If true, telemetry will be periodically sent, following the rules in https://yarnpkg.com/advanced/telemetry                                             true
➤ YN0000: enableTimers                  If true, the CLI is allowed to print the time spent executing commands                                                                                  true
➤ YN0000: enableTransparentWorkspaces   If false, Yarn won't automatically resolve workspace dependencies unless they use the `workspace:` protocol                                             true
➤ YN0000: globalFolder                  Folder where are stored the system-wide settings                                                                                                        '/home/iancleary/.yarn/berry'
➤ YN0000: httpProxy                     URL of the http proxy that must be used for outgoing http requests                                                                                      null
➤ YN0000: httpRetry                     Retry times on http failure                                                                                                                             3
➤ YN0000: httpTimeout                   Timeout of each http request in milliseconds                                                                                                            60000
➤ YN0000: httpsProxy                    URL of the http proxy that must be used for outgoing https requests                                                                                     null
➤ YN0000: ignoreCwd                     If true, the `--cwd` flag will be ignored                                                                                                               false
➤ YN0000: ignorePath                    If true, the local executable will be ignored when using the global one                                                                                 false
➤ YN0000: immutablePatterns             Array of glob patterns; files matching them won't be allowed to change during immutable installs                                                        []
➤ YN0000: initEditorConfig              Extra rules to define in the generator editorconfig                                                                                                     Map {}
➤ YN0000: initFields                    Additional fields to set when creating packages via the init command                                                                                    Map {}
➤ YN0000: initLicense                   License used when creating packages via the init command                                                                                                null
➤ YN0000: initScope                     Scope used when creating packages via the init command                                                                                                  null
➤ YN0000: initVersion                   Version used when creating packages via the init command                                                                                                null
➤ YN0000: installStatePath              Path of the file where the install state will be persisted                                                                                              '/home/iancleary/me/website/.yarn/install-state.gz'
➤ YN0000: lastUpdateCheck               Last timestamp we checked whether new Yarn versions were available                                                                                      null
➤ YN0000: lockfileFilename              Name of the files where the Yarn dependency tree entries must be stored                                                                                 'yarn.lock'
➤ YN0000: networkConcurrency            Maximal number of concurrent requests                                                                                                                   Infinity
➤ YN0000: nmHoistingLimits              Prevent packages can be hoisted past specific levels                                                                                                    'none'
➤ YN0000: nodeLinker                    The linker used for installing Node packages, one of: "pnp", "node-modules"                                                                             'node-modules'
➤ YN0000: npmAlwaysAuth                 URL of the selected npm registry (note: npm enterprise isn't supported)                                                                                 false
➤ YN0000: npmAuthIdent                  Authentication identity for the npm registry (_auth in npm and yarn v1)                                                                                 null
➤ YN0000: npmAuthToken                  Authentication token for the npm registry (_authToken in npm and yarn v1)                                                                               null
➤ YN0000: npmPublishAccess              Default access of the published packages                                                                                                                null
➤ YN0000: npmPublishRegistry            Registry to push packages to                                                                                                                            null
➤ YN0000: npmRegistries                 Settings per registry                                                                                                                                   Map {}
➤ YN0000: npmRegistryServer             URL of the selected npm registry (note: npm enterprise isn't supported)                                                                                 'https://registry.yarnpkg.com'
➤ YN0000: npmScopes                     Settings per package scope                                                                                                                              Map {}
➤ YN0000: packageExtensions             Map of package corrections to apply on the dependency tree                                                                                              Map {}
➤ YN0000: pnpDataPath                   Path of the file where the PnP data (used by the loader) must be written                                                                                '/home/iancleary/me/website/.pnp.data.json'
➤ YN0000: pnpEnableInlining             If true, the PnP data will be inlined along with the generated loader                                                                                   true
➤ YN0000: pnpFallbackMode               If true, the generated PnP loader will follow the top-level fallback rule                                                                               'dependencies-only'
➤ YN0000: pnpIgnorePatterns             Array of glob patterns; files matching them will use the classic resolution                                                                             []
➤ YN0000: pnpMode                       If 'strict', generates standard PnP maps. If 'loose', merges them with the n_m resolution.                                                              'strict'
➤ YN0000: pnpShebang                    String to prepend to the generated PnP script                                                                                                           '#!/usr/bin/env node'
➤ YN0000: pnpUnpluggedFolder            Folder where the unplugged packages must be stored                                                                                                      '/home/iancleary/me/website/.yarn/unplugged'
➤ YN0000: preferAggregateCacheInfo      If true, the CLI will only print a one-line report of any cache changes                                                                                 false
➤ YN0000: preferInteractive             If true, the CLI will automatically use the interactive mode when called from a TTY                                                                     false
➤ YN0000: preferTruncatedLines          If true, the CLI will truncate lines that would go beyond the size of the terminal                                                                      false
➤ YN0000: progressBarStyle              Which style of progress bar should be used (only when progress bars are enabled)                                                                        undefined
➤ YN0000: rcFilename                    Name of the files where the configuration can be found                                                                                                  '.yarnrc.yml'
➤ YN0000: telemetryInterval             Minimal amount of time between two telemetry uploads, in days                                                                                           7
➤ YN0000: telemetryUserId               If you desire to tell us which project you are, you can set this field. Completely optional and opt-in.                                                 null
➤ YN0000: unsafeHttpWhitelist           List of the hostnames for which http queries are allowed (glob patterns are supported)                                                                  []
➤ YN0000: virtualFolder                 Folder where the virtual packages (cf doc) will be mapped on the disk (must be named $$virtual)                                                         '/home/iancleary/me/website/.yarn/$$virtual'
➤ YN0000: yarnPath                      Path to the local executable that must be used over the global one                                                                                      '/home/iancleary/me/website/.yarn/releases/yarn-berry.cjs'
➤ YN0000: Failed with errors in 0s 9ms
~/me/website on feat/yarn-upgrade +3 !1 ?1                                                                                                                                            at 12:11:14 PM
> git status
On branch feat/yarn-upgrade
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        deleted:    .yarn/releases/yarn-berry.cjs
        deleted:    .yarnrc
        deleted:    yarn.lock

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   .gitignore

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

~/me/website on feat/yarn-upgrade +3 !1 ?1                                                                                                                                            at 12:12:05 PM
> git add -A
~/me/website on feat/yarn-upgrade +3                                                                                                                                                  at 12:12:07 PM
> git commit -m "Initial attempt"
[feat/yarn-upgrade d051e35] Initial attempt
 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9241 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .yarnrc
 delete mode 100644 yarn.lock
~/me/website on feat/yarn-upgrade                                                                                                                                                     at 12:12:15 PM
vercel[bot] commented 3 years ago

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iancleary commented 3 years ago

Cancelling until https://vercel.com/knowledge/does-vercel-support-yarn-2 is supported