iancoleman / bip39

A web tool for converting BIP39 mnemonic codes
MIT License
3.41k stars 1.42k forks source link

Needed: help extracting the js from the html for more general usage. #653

Open PopeNobody opened 7 months ago

PopeNobody commented 7 months ago

This interests me as well. I would like to use your code, and the data contained within it, to build three things:

The first is a library and command line tool to do things like address generation.

The second is a database that would contain the information about how to do this sort of calculation ( versions, derivation paths, address salt so that Dash addresses start with an 'X', etc ) as well as other information, like the locations of the bootstrap dns servers so people can get their balances, et el.

The third is a set of test vectors, which would be generated with the first, but distributed separately, and allow library authors to catch their mistakes before somebody loses a coin. Because it's all fun and games until somebody loses a coin.

As part of that last project, there is a sub-project ... many coins have at least one address generated from the mnemonic code [ abandon*11, about ]. I would like to send a penny's work of the appropriate coin to two addresses for each coin ... to the address that results from generating an address from [ 0x00 x 31, 0x01 ], and to the first address generated from each of the bip44 derivations in know use .. so that you can plug that key into any working hd wallet, and see a come coin attached to every valid derivation.

I also want to find out how long it takes the world to find and jack all those tiny bits of coindust.

Anyway, I do not expect you to write any of this for me, but I would love it if you have me some tips. For example, the files like bip39-libs.js are rather diffscult to examine under a debugger in their final form ... I assume that there was once a package.json, and then webpack was run on each. I'd love to see or hear about how that was done, so I have the same libraries and my code gets the same results as yours.

Let me know if there is anything can do to help.

I am just a poor crypto-priest, but I would also be willing, if you were interested, to hire you and pay you in bitcoin cash to extract the code from the web-page and deliver it in some less obfuscated form ... the data embodied by your project is priceless, and information wants to be free.

And besides, the only command line tool I know of to do that sort of thing is in php, and php is an abonination. :)

Anyway, thanks for your consideration, for any help you can provide, and especially for this fine webpage that saved the Holy Monero of the Church of the Invisible Hand. :)

[ Coinomi is suffering bitrot, and no longer talking to some chains, and their support sent me here to turn my bip44 key into private keys for monero, xrp, and horizen that could be plugged in to new wallets. Sadly, bip44 implementations are not what they should be ].