iancoleman / bip39

A web tool for converting BIP39 mnemonic codes
MIT License
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Offline problem - responsive #664

Open SandroSPBTC opened 2 months ago

SandroSPBTC commented 2 months ago

Sorry if my question in wrong place, please just let me know where I can place it. I am trying to use iancoleman offline but the page (html file) that I open is not showing the same layout as online. I have an old windows 7 notebook to work on it and I tried to use Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox as the web browser, I also use Ubuntu + firefox in a partition of this computer...same result. Using on MacBook Air M1 everything is ok, on and offline. Here it is the offline screen

tempImagedNVwIm tempImageuibzdK tempImageLYMwyO

thank you for any help

evaporei commented 2 months ago

You need to serve the folder with a tool like python -m http.server.

iancoleman commented 2 months ago

You should use bip39-standalone.html from the releases or load https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ and save that file.

Using index.html from the src directory is not recommended.

You can use python -m http.server and load http://localhost:8000 in your browser, but it's only recommended for development.

denisdemaisbr commented 2 months ago

you need extract to a folder "tmp" indicate a using open zip