iandees / xapi-servlet

XAPI Servlet
A Java servlet implementation of XAPI using Osmosis to do the heavy lifting.
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Cross-origin requests (CORS) headers #22

Closed samatjain closed 12 years ago

samatjain commented 12 years ago

Now that JXAPI supports JSON, Web applications running from within a Web browser can make requests to JXAPI directly. Unfortunately, cross-domain restrictions prevent this from working.

CORS headers tell a Web browser that it's OK to make a request to a service running on a different domain.

See enable-cors.org and the W3C specification for more information.

In theory, the minimum you need is:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

This will allow any Web application running on any domain to connect to a JXAPI instance. It's a good idea to have an option where people running JXAPI instances can specify the value for this header so they can restrict access.

A complication (mentioned in the spec): Web browsers perform a "pre-flight request" to check whether a URL supports CORS. This is usually an HTTP OPTIONS request, followed by a GET/POST/whatever if access is allowed.

iandees commented 12 years ago

What URL does the browser request for it's "pre-flight request"? It might be pretty difficult if it requests the root URL because the servlet container doesn't usually let you handle requests for the root of the host.

samatjain commented 12 years ago

The preflight request is for the URL we're requesting.

I.e. for URL http://example.com/xapi/api/0.6/node/1

  1. Browser sends HTTP OPTIONS request for http://example.com/xapi/api/0.6/node/1
  2. Browser checks for CORS headers on that response. I'm not sure if the browser cares what else is in the response.
  3. Browser performs an HTTP GET request for http://example.com/xapi/api/0.6/node/1
iandees commented 12 years ago

This should be live on jxapi.osm.org.