Fantatsic Idea, I just included it in a plugin. What I would like to see in the future would be some sort of dismissable notices, this would make a perfect addition.
I got rid of the file include to have a drop_in class like this:
echo '<div class="anh_message '.esc_attr( $class ).'">'; foreach ( $this->notices[ $type ] as $notice ) { echo '<p>'; echo wp_kses( $notice, wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' ) ); echo '</p>'; } echo '</div>';
Thanks again for your work.,
Fantatsic Idea, I just included it in a plugin. What I would like to see in the future would be some sort of dismissable notices, this would make a perfect addition.
I got rid of the file include to have a drop_in class like this:
echo '<div class="anh_message '.esc_attr( $class ).'">'; foreach ( $this->notices[ $type ] as $notice ) { echo '<p>'; echo wp_kses( $notice, wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' ) ); echo '</p>'; } echo '</div>';
Thanks again for your work.,