we would need an other symbol to separate 2 color pack, like '-' or '|' instead of nothing or even new line for every color pack
think the issue come from this:
"color_schemes = [
{ 'name': s[0], 'variant': s[1], 'colors': s[2:] }
for s in [
for l in open(COLOR_SCHEME_FILE).readlines()
if l.strip()[0] != '#'
when imputing colors sometime the script doesn't recognize separation between 2 colors packs https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/502537052215312387/507694675906527232/color_schemes.txt
we would need an other symbol to separate 2 color pack, like '-' or '|' instead of nothing or even new line for every color pack
think the issue come from this:
"color_schemes = [ { 'name': s[0], 'variant': s[1], 'colors': s[2:] } for s in [ l.strip().split(',') for l in open(COLOR_SCHEME_FILE).readlines() if l.strip()[0] != '#' ] ]"
This part i think: " if l.strip()[0] != '#'"
The issue might be the same as this one https://translate.google.fr/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fsametmax.com%2Fle-piege-de-la-methode-strip-des-chaines-en-python%2F&edit-text=&act=url