iangilman / me

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movie trailer lean-back experience #1

Closed iangilman closed 9 years ago

iangilman commented 9 years ago

As mentioned here:


So it's got a mode where it fills the screen and plays one trailer after the next. No fiddling around with lists or clicking through "interactive marketing experiences"; just an uninterrupted stream of trailers. Maybe it does this based on what you like, or based on what your friends are interested in, or whatever. Any trailer you like, hit the thumbs up; otherwise skip it or just let it play.

Of course it also remembers which trailers you've already seen and only shows your new stuff.

I looked around, and I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that something like this still doesn't exist! I guess I'll have to make it myself.

iangilman commented 9 years ago

Totally did this:
