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More Orange Shirt #6

Closed felizuno closed 8 years ago

felizuno commented 9 years ago

Orange shirt is one of my favorite Ian themes, but is frequently unavailable and falls back to the default black theme. Please consider making the Orange shirt default as opposed to black, as this best suits my use case. TY.

iangilman commented 9 years ago

This is quite possibly the best bug report of all time. Unfortunately, progress on this issue is blocked by the "make more orange shirts" issues filed against Christina. Pull requests welcome.

iangilman commented 8 years ago

Christina's pull request has come through, and it's lovely: https://instagram.com/p/6f9nEDlTC7/

cleversprocket commented 8 years ago

Nice to see this issue was resolved. However, I would like to know what @felizuno use case is. It would be good for documentation should the fix regress in the future.

felizuno commented 8 years ago

I'll trust the automation report from IG until I can manually verify tomorrow during the picnic. I'll assume the tests are coming in a followup patch?

Thanks for sticking with it and getting this shipped!

iangilman commented 8 years ago

:heart: :shipit: